$63B FAA Reauthorization Bill Awaits the President

The Senate has approved a four-year FAA reauthorization package, which is now awaiting the President’s signature. This ends more than four years of debate and 23 short-term extensions of the FAA’s programs and funding. The legislation authorizes $63.3 billion for FAA programs through 2015, maintaining fuel taxes as the means for general aviation to pay…

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Congress on the Brink of Passing Long-Term FAA Bill

A House and Senate conference committee compromised late Tuesday on a four-year FAA reauthorization bill that could reach a floor vote in both chambers as early as next week, beating yet another extension deadline set for February 17. The agency has been operating under short-term extensions since the last long-term multi-year reauthorization expired in late…

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Temporary Deal Is Brokered on FAA Funding

Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced this afternoon that Congress has reached a bipartisan compromise that will allow temporary funding of the FAA through mid-September and end a two-week partial shutdown of the agency. “This agreement does not resolve the important differences that still remain,” Reid noted in a written statement, “but I believe…

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Congress Tells Airlines to Stop Pocketing Tax Money

Washington – Airlines benefiting from a unplanned federal tax holiday should save the money for the government or pass it along to the passengers, but should not pocket the money themselves, key congressional leaders said Tuesday. At issue is millions of dollars in passenger taxes — taxes ordinarily collected by the airlines. But since Saturday,…

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Transportation Secretary Urges Congress to Act on FAA Bill

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Federal Aviation Administration Administrator Randy Babbitt called on Congress today to pass a clean extension of the FAA’s authorization in order to avoid airport project construction delays and employee furloughs. The current FAA reauthorization expires at midnight this Friday, July 22, 2011. LaHood and Babbitt said they oppose the House…

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Federal court invalidates city’s jet ban at Santa Monica Airport

In an article in SMMirror.com by Hannah Heineman it was reported that on Jan. 21 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia denied Santa Monica’s appeal of a 2009 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decision that the City could not ban Category C and D jets from using Santa Monica Airport (SMO) for…

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New FAA Funding Bill Booted to 2011

Congress last weekend extended the FAA’s programs, taxes and Airport and Airways Trust Fund spending authority for another three months until March 31, 2011. The extension is the 17th passed by Congress in lieu of a full, multi-year reauthorization for FAA funding and aviation system modernization. The last multi-year FAA reauthorization expired in October 2007.…

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