Congress Tells Airlines to Stop Pocketing Tax Money

Washington – Airlines benefiting from a unplanned federal tax holiday should save the money for the government or pass it along to the passengers, but should not pocket the money themselves, key congressional leaders said Tuesday. At issue is millions of dollars in passenger taxes — taxes ordinarily collected by the airlines. But since Saturday,…

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Transportation Secretary Urges Congress to Act on FAA Bill

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Federal Aviation Administration Administrator Randy Babbitt called on Congress today to pass a clean extension of the FAA’s authorization in order to avoid airport project construction delays and employee furloughs. The current FAA reauthorization expires at midnight this Friday, July 22, 2011. LaHood and Babbitt said they oppose the House…

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Congressional Impasse Forces FAA Shutdown

The failure of Congress to agree on an extension of the FAA’s operating authorization by Saturday forced the agency to furlough nearly 4,000 employees and issue stop-work orders on projects ranging from the construction of new towers to the rehabilitation and modernization of air traffic facilities. Air traffic controllers and other FAA employees essential to…

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