One-way charter from Fort Luaderdale, florida (KFXE) to Los Angeles, California (KVNY)

One-way charter 04/30/2024 – 04/30/2024
KFXE Fort Lauderdale, FL
KVNY Los Angeles, CA
Falcon 7X

One way charter KFXE to KVNY 04/27-04/30 listing is not a scheduled flight. Times and locations may be negotiable with similar routings. Contact JetOptions to determine if your travel requirements fit our charter plane’s availability. This charter aircraft is a Falcon 7X heavy business jet with seating for up to fourteen passengers. The one-way charter rate from Fort Lauderdale (Executive) to Los Angeles (Van Nuys) is available from April 27 to April 30. Please complete a charter request or call to inquire or book at 888-535-9538. Phones are answered 24/7/365. EAG0427