Round-up of the top 10 most stylish private jets

In a story on Corporate Jet Investor, Alud Davies aka BizJetBlogger rounds-up the top 10 private jets, looking at the most stylish ones.

Anonymity is one of the key drivers in business aviation. To be able to get to your destination unseen and slip out quietly and unnoticed when you arrive means that it’s almost impossible for anybody to track your movements.

Hiding your aircraft on an offshore registry, placing your aircraft in trust or blocking the aircraft registration from online flight tracking makes it harder to identify who owns the aircraft and to trace where it’s travelled to. But once it arrives at its destination, the aircraft is in plain sight for everybody to see.

This is why the vast majority of business jet colour schemes can be described as boring at best (after all, if you can’t identify who owns an aircraft, there’s little hope of knowing who’s likely to be on board). But some companies and individuals like to buck this trend. They like to stand out from the crowd and let you know exactly who they are, so below we’ll take a look at some of the more colourful business jets around:

  1. 1. Nike’s sneaker-inspired Gulfstream G550

  2. 2. The feathered Gulfstream G650 owned by Nike’s Phil Knight

  3. 3. Prada’s jet black Gulfstream G450

  4. 4. Lime-green Citation Mustang

  5. 5. Silver and yellow Gulfstream G550

  6. 6. Lewis Hamilton’s Challenger 605

  7. 7. Brazilian Falcon 7X

  8. 8. Oakley’s military-inspired Global Express

  9. 9. Brazilian Challenger 300

  10. 10. A very bold-looking Global Express


See the top ten jets and read the full story here.


Top ten most stylish business jets

Although you can’t charter these exact jets, you can charter the same makes and models of these private jets from JetOptions.

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