Babbitt breaks ground on Recovery Act-funded Oakland tower

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Randy Babbitt helped break ground last week for a new air traffic control tower at Oakland International Airport funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The Oakland International Airport ARRA grant, totaling $33.2 million, is the FAA’s largest, single Recovery Act award.

“This Recovery Act project will make a difference for the Oakland area economy,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.  “People will be put to work building an environmentally friendly tower that will better serve the airport and the community.”

The Recovery Act grant will pay for construction of the 236-foot-tall tower and a 13,000 square-foot base building, as well as some equipment for the facility.

“This brand new, modernized tower will give air traffic controllers a better view of the airfield and help improve airport efficiency,” said FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt. “The Recovery Act is allowing us to make needed investments at airports around the country.”

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