NBAA part of coalition calling for passage of Senate EU-ETS prohibition

Members of a coalition , including nearly all aviation segments, are calling on U.S. senators to back legislation introduced by Senator John Thune (R-SD), which would prohibit operators of all U.S. aircraft from participating in the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS).

A letter supporting the bill, S.1956, was sent by a coalition including the National Business Aviation Association and 14 other organizations representing aircraft owners, operators, manufacturers, and others. The EU-ETS, which would impose a new tax on carbon emissions from aircraft, is scheduled for implementation on January 1, 2012.

In its letter, the coalition predicts that the program will cost U.S. operators billions of dollars in money that will likely subsidize European governments. The group points out that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopted its plan to address aircraft carbon emissions in September. By doing so, ICAO recognized that unilateral emissions trading programs such as EU-ETS undermine efforts to develop a global approach for emissions from aviation, a global industry. Read the rest of this article here.

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