Embraer Building Portuguese Composites Facility

Embraer has started the first phase of building a new $48 million, 330,000-sq-ft facility in Évora, Portugal, dedicated to manufacturing complex airframe structures and components in composite materials. Completion of the initial phase is scheduled for the end of next year, while production of structures and components for the Brazilian company’s business aircraft and airliners will start in 2013. “We are delighted to start the construction of the first part of our new center of excellence in Portugal,” said Luiz Fuchs, president of Embraer Aviation Europe. “The construction of the second facility, dedicated to the production of metallic airframe structures, will begin shortly. Meanwhile, we are progressing with the selection of suppliers.” The new manufacturing facility will rely on state-of-the-art processes and lean manufacturing concepts. To sustain and further develop the competencies of its center of excellence in composite materials, Embraer will continue working with organizations–including potential suppliers, research centers and universities–in Portugal.


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