Bombardier’s Global 6000 obtains full Brazilian Certification

Bombardier Aerospace announced today that it has received full certification for its Global 6000 jet from the Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil in Brazil.

“This is an important milestone in our Global 6000 jet’s history of leadership in Brazil, and we expect it to help generate even more interest in the world’s leading long-range, large cabin business jet,” said Fabio Rebello, Regional Vice President, Sales, Latin America, Bombardier Business Aircraft. “With this new certification the entire families of Learjet, Challenger and Global jets now have Brazilian certification.”

Global 6000 business aircraft: The Global 6000 jet’s unrivaled cabin size and levels of comfort combined with an optional stand-up shower and the Bombardier Vision Flight Deck mean no other purpose-built business jet comes close in terms of high-speed range capability and traveler comfort. Offering the ultimate in technology, this intrepid jet can link Sao Paulo with London, New York and Cairo, non-stop, with eight passengers and three to four crew*.


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