Bombardier opens Learjet plant in Mexico

Canadian industrial giant Bombardier and Mexican President Felipe Calderon opened a new 250-million-dollar plant in central Mexico Thursday where it will produce components for the Learjet 85 business aircraft.

The facility, an extension of a five-year-old Bombardier facility in Queretaro state employing 1,200 people, will provide 1,000 new jobs in Queretaro and make the fuselage and electrical system for the aircraft, which will then be assembled at a Learjet factory in the US city of Wichita, Kansas.

“The increasing complexity of the work carried out in Queretaro confirms the trust Bombardier has placed in its Mexico operation,” said Bombardier president and general manager Pierre Beaudoin at the inauguration.

Mexican authorities pointed out that it was the first time the US Federal Aviation Administration has allowed Learjet components to be made in Mexico.

Bombardier claims to corner 38 percent of the world’s business aircraft market.


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