With little prospect of an economic resurgence any time soon, business jet activity in Europe and Russia is reported to be generally down from historic levels.
Bombardier Business Aircraft VP Europe, Africa & Middle East Trevor Lambarth and Regional VP Central & Eastern Europe, CIS & Russia Valeria Kolyuchaya recently talked to FlyCorporate’s Phil Rose about Bombardier’s view on the Russian market.
Honeywell predicts that over the next five years demand for business aircraft in Europe will represent only about 12% of global demand — far less than in the past. Does this correspond with what you’re seeing across the region?
Lambarth: The European business jet fleet currently accounts for approximately 10% of the worldwide bizjet installed base. Europe is the second largest market for business aviation and we expect it to remain among the three most active markets — generating the most revenues — over the next 10 years.
Based on our market forecast, we anticipate close to 1,670 deliveries (industry total) in Europe by 2022.