3-Day Strike at Lufthansa, MORE Aviation News April

3-Day Lufthansa Strike To Upset Travel This Week

More than 3,800 flights will be canceled this week as a result of the 3-day strike by Germany’s pilot’s union, airline Lufthansa said. Most of the flights for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be canceled.
Of course, if you need to fly on those dates, you can always charter a flight from JetOptions.

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NATA awards Clay Lacy Aviation five stars for aviation maintenance training

Clay Lacy Aviation-the most experienced operator of private jets in the world is the recipient of the National Air Transportation Association’s (NATA) 2014 Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) Five-Star Award.
The award recognizes premier aviation maintenance organizations across the nation for providing an exceptional level of ongoing and recurrent training to their employees. It adds to Clay Lacy Aviation’s list of industry accolades…

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DOT data suggest a new paradigm: Fewer, richer travelers, more trips

The end of the first quarter usually brings a flood of numbers. It is around this time of year, for example, that big government agencies and trade associations start issuing statistical reports on the prior year, including things like airline traffic and international travel.

A curious aspect of this year’s data sets might be that, at first blush, they do not support the travel industry’s view of its own performance in 2013.

With the notable exception of the cruise industry, most sectors of the travel business are perceived to have been on the rebound in 2013.

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